Did you know that transfer time in stations accounts three times as much to the experience of travel time then actual in-vehicle time. As cities increase in size, city challenges like pollution, clogging of the transportation networks and competition for space force cities to rethink their planning and management strategies. Increasing the uptake of more sustainable modes of transport is an essential part of sustainable city planning for the future. Nice experiences of servicable, clean and safe public spaces are essential to get this much-needed mode shift rolling.

Next to that, visitor numbers at events are on the rise as well. Thousands of visitors come together at festival grounds to jointly enjoy music and sports events. A logistic nightmare with a high potential for bodily harm when things go south. Also at events it is crucial to manage crowds in order to prevent bad event experiences and crowd incidents.

Are you going to help cities, transfer hub operators and event organisers on their quest for safe and servicable public spaces?

Crowd management is the art to ensure that citizens, passengers and event visitors alike have the best experience possible and are empowered to find their way through crowded pedestrian spaces.  Most practitioners are of the opinion that crowd management is an expertise where you learn by doing it yourself. We second this! However, we also see that there are some fundamentals that can help you get a kick-start pertaining crowd management.

By bringing the knowledge and experiences of various crowd management and traffic engineering experts together in one place, we attempt to create a starting point for anyone who wants to learn more about crowd management and crowd management support tools. 

This online environment is specifically designed to provide an overview of the fundamentals of crowd management. Besides that, where possible, it provides a scientific basis pertaining pedestrian choice and movement dynamics that can help you develop tomorrows crowd management strategies and interventions. Last but not least, this course showcases the latest state-of-the-art developments in this field. 

The contributors

Dorine Duives

Assistant prof. Active Modes, TU Delft, NL

Carlo Liberto

Researcher, ENEA, IT

Chloe Cortes


Gaetano Valenti

Researcher, ENEA, IT


Stevinweg 1, Delft, The Netherlands

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